It can take a lot of time and effort to find our way, to discover ourselves. We can already get a lot of help. Books, coaches, courses, all rush to our aid. But how long? Can it last a long time, or as during the exam period, is the gained knowledge reduced to that one and a half hours of sharp situation? Although it may be, only for me is the effect temporary. Deeds, experiences, events can always leave a deeper impression, especially if they are outside our comfort zone.
In order for us to develop, we need to take a tour outside of such a zone. We can step out of the everyday life, we can escape from unpleasant human relationships and situations. Is it all worth it? Not a weakness? It is worth it, and the weakness would be if we were afraid of change and did not dare to take on steep situations.
That’s why I decided to escape and embark on adventures that I could only dream of for many, many years, and even have something I didn’t even know existed.
I first covered a small distance, alone. Here, the focus was more on being myself, trying to see if I could thrive in the distance on my own, without any help, if I could handle my own company. After 500 km drive I arrived on the Adriatic. The driving was off enough and I was pretty good for 5 days, but then I realized I needed human contacts. First realization: it is good for man to retire, but still a social being. So I traveled home and decided not to travel alone anymore, the experiences are so much better if I have someone to share it with.
Then, out of a sudden upheaval, I signed up to an adventure tour to Morocco with people completely unknown. It was not only my first trip outside Europe, but my first flight, my first camping in the desert, my first mountaineering, and plenty of my first “comfort zone-free” first steps. Second realization: why haven’t I started seeing the world earlier? And here I fell in love with adventures, new and unfamiliar places, travel. I met fantastic people, fellow travelers. By now, I can safely say that I have made friends, my life has changed, the way I see the world.
This was followed by Spain and Greece as a little relaxation. Then the great adventure of Malaysia and Indonesia.
These parts of Asia have had special experiences that I have to consume to this day. A two-day jungle tour in the company of orangutans and varanus, the people of Java and Karimun, dreamy islands, corals, the wonderful culture of Bali are all unrepeatable. It is likely that in a few years these places will not be the same as they are now. There will be more tourists, it will be changed due to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Here comes the third realization: everything is constantly changing, so let’s not insist on anything.
That’s how I escaped and found my way home. I have traveled on three continents in one year. I don’t mind for a minute that I was brave. The world is wonderful, huge, astonishing, captivating. The trip is, for me, the best teacher. I realized that my problems were just a tiny, perhaps even insignificant and temporary part of my life.
What was the biggest lesson during that time? You have to get started, it all depends on that.